History & Scope

Presentation of Projects
Timeline of Distance Education
I enjoyed the process of making this timeline poster about the history of distance education. I really enjoyed reading Chapter 2 and was excited to revisit the information and put it in a cohesive timeline. I used Canva to create this timeline as I'm very familiar with the application but had never done a timeline in it, so I wanted to learn how to do that. I used this template as my basis, as this was the only template that I could revise incorporating 15 historical time points. All of the other timeline templates I tried to use only had room for around 5-10 points, so that is the main reason why I chose this style and template. An interesting point I wanted to include is that in the book, I first saw on page 24 that in 1878, the first organization to offer corresponding education was created, but then I read on page 25 that Anne Eliot Ticknor established one of the first home study schools around 1873. I found this confusing and took my original statement, the first organization from 1878, out and replaced it with Anne's school. I think the process of creating a timeline poster is a very valuable experience and skill, as working with multimedia is just as important as learning about its history and evolution.
Scope of Distance Education Poster

I enjoyed the process of making this poster, and I also think that the information that it presents is very important. One thing that I noticed, though, after I put the poster on my website is that the background of the website and the background of the poster are the same color. This was unintentional, and it kind of looks less like a poster now. However, I actually like how the information pops out because of this, so I hope that I don't get points for this. The origin and the scope of distance education are very important for future education technologies to know as there is a clear thread through all of the information in this book - that distance education was created to serve minorities and increase access to education. I really appreciated this, as my goals are driven by the exact same passion, to make education accessible to students with disabilities.